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Software Engineer


Enjoying the problem-solving aspects of coding and keeping up with the latest technologies & best practices allows me to create high-quality applications and be passionate about every single line of code I write.

Hi there!

My name is Paul. I am a software engineer living in Austria. What fascinates me most is solving challenging real-world problems through developing solid applications that run smoothly and efficiently. My goals of working as a software engineer are simplifying the job of workers & employees, improving physical & mental well-being of individuals and advocating for technologies that make life on our planet more sustainable.


With daily challenges in the categories fitness, mental well-being and nutrition, the Pandocs app motivates its users to live a healthy and balanced life.

See Project

MSc Thesis: Song Recog­ni­tion.

Building a fast music search service from scratch based on MIDI databases.

See Project

Age Of wAR.

Age of wAR – an Augmented Reality (AR) 3D point-and-click game for Android devices

See Project

BSc Thesis: Auto­transcription.

A software tool for converting monophonic audio data into a representation of musical notes utilizing the MIDI standard.

See Project


CHORDMILL – MusicPlayAlongApp: Create your own soundscapes in no time and practice making music.

See Project

3D Scan­ner.

Assembling of a stable rack for a hand-held 3D scanner to optimize output quality.

See Project

LED traffic sign control.

A convenient app to display dynamic content on various kinds of LED traffic signs for different scenarios.

See Project
2019 - 2021
Mobile Computing Master

University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Campus Hagenberg

2016 - 2019
Mobile Computing Bachelor

University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Campus Hagenberg

2010 - 2015
Vocational School

Höhere Technische Bundeslehranstalt, Perg

2006 - 2010
Secondary Modern School

Donauhauptschule, Wallsee

2002 - 2006
Elementary School

Volksschule, Wallsee

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